Experience the Elegance of Clear Braces

Do you want a beautiful, straight smile without drawing attention to your treatment? At Empowered Orthodontics, Dr. Collins and our expert team can help you get the dream smile you’ve always wanted with clear braces in Franklin, TN.


Redefining Braces for You

Empowered Orthodontics believes in the power of a confident smile. Our clear braces ensure the natural look of your smile with braces that blend in with your teeth.

Clear braces work just like their metal counterparts but boast ceramic materials that blend in with the color of your teeth.

If you’re an adult or older teen who doesn’t want to draw attention to your treatment, ceramic braces might be the perfect fit for your smile.

Understanding Clear Braces

Our clear braces use state-of-the-art orthodontic technology to align your teeth properly.

Though they use brackets and wires like traditional braces, their standout feature is their transparency, rendering them nearly invisible.

franklin braces

Your Journey With Clear Braces

Let Dr. Collins and the Empowered Orthodontics team guide you to the smile you've always wanted. You’ll love the subtle style and effectiveness of clear braces.

Though they serve the same purpose as traditional braces, clear braces present a fresh aesthetic perspective.

Here's an outline of how clear braces create your healthy new smile:

Customizing Your Treatment Strategy

You’ll start on your path to a radiant smile with an initial free consultation with Dr. Collins.

Securing the Brackets

Clear braces use brackets just like metal ones. However, your ceramic brackets are transparent and will blend right in with your teeth after Dr. Collins carefully attaches them.

Connecting the Archwire

We’ll link a  slender, malleable wire to your clear braces. This wire applies careful pressure to your teeth, slowly steering them to the perfect positions. Dr. Collins will adjust the wire to keep your smile on track throughout your treatment.

Moving Your Teeth — Gently

We’ll guide your teeth into the perfect spots using the tension from the archwire to deliver a controlled, comfortable force right where you need it.

Maintaining Routine Adjustments

You’ll have regular check-ins with Dr. Collins to tweak the archwire. This way we can manage your teeth's movement and keep everything on track!

Creating Subtle Beauty

One of the biggest advantages of clear braces is their discreet design. The clear or tooth-hued brackets harmonize with your teeth, perfect if you’re interested in a less noticeable orthodontic solution.

Prioritizing Your Comfort

Clear braces use brackets with smooth contours to reduce potential irritation. Adjustment sessions are also typically less frequent than with metal braces, leading to fewer trips to our Franklin clinic.

Revealing Your Transformed Smile

You’ll see your smile come together as the treatment unfolds. After completing your journey, you'll be greeted with a straight, confidence-boosting smile.

Clear Braces: A Reason to Smile Brighter

Your clear braces from Empowered Orthodontics of Franklin come with a lot of great benefits! Their low profile is just the beginning.

Comfort & Convenience

Clear braces offer a smooth and less noticeable orthodontic experience. Their bracket design minimizes discomfort.

Not only that — but with fewer appointments compared to traditional braces, you have more free time to do what you want!

Do What You Want

Live your life without worrying about your smile. Grin big for pictures, enjoy your favorite foods — the list of benefits goes on and on! No matter what, clear braces won't hold you back.

Clear Braces Vs. Metal Braces

When it comes to your orthodontic journey, Empowered Orthodontics believes in giving you choices. Ceramic and metal braces each have their unique perks, so let's break it down to help you decide which one suits you best.

  • Appearance: Clear braces blend with your teeth, making them a discreet choice. With metal braces, you can show off your personality with colorful elastic bands.
  • Effectiveness: For most cases, clear braces work just as effectively as metal braces. However, metal braces are better at tolerating pressure, so Dr. Collins may recommend metal braces if you require more drastic corrections.
  • Comfort: The smooth, rounded edges of ceramic braces ensure you enjoy a gentle orthodontic experience. However, with ceramic braces, Dr. Collins may need to make smaller adjustments, which could lengthen your treatment time compared to metal braces.

Empowered Orthodontics offers both options to ensure your journey to a confident smile is comfortable and tailored to your preferences and needs. So, which path will you choose?

Embark on Your Smile Story

Are you ready to get started on your mindful journey to a healthy, happy smile? Book a free consultation with Dr. Collins at Empowered Orthodontics today. We can’t wait to work together to find your dream smile!