Uncover the Power of Clear Aligners

Choose the clearest path for your smile journey with clear aligners at Empowered Orthodontics. Find out how you can get the healthy, happy smile you deserve, all without brackets or wires.

The Clear Aligner Journey

Here’s the nearly effortless and completely comfortable way we’ll get you from point A to your beautiful, healthy, brand-new smile.

Your Free Consultation

Kickstart your experience with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Jennifer Collins. Together, you'll discover if clear aligners are the right path for your orthodontic goals.

Our dedicated team will gather X-rays, photos, and impressions, which will be crucial in designing the precise 3D digital blueprints for your tailored treatment plan.

Receiving Your Personalized Clear Aligners

Once the initial work of mapping out your teeth and jaws has been done, you’ll get your custom-fabricated, transparent aligners. Made from smooth, BPA-free plastic, these aligners promise both comfort and subtlety.

For best results, it's important to wear these aligners for around 20-22 hours each day, keeping your journey to amazing teeth on the right path.

New Aligners Every Two Weeks

You’ll notice a subtle transformation every two weeks as you shift to a new set of aligners, each step inching you closer to your desired smile. Stay engaged with regular consultations with Dr. Collins and our team, ensuring your progress is on point.

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Why Clear Aligners Stand Out

Discover the remarkable advantages of choosing clear aligners at Empowered Orthodontics to transform your smile.

Nearly Invisible

No one needs to know you're straightening your teeth. Clear aligners are nearly invisible, so you can confidently showcase your smile throughout your treatment.

Smooth & Comfortable

The smooth plastic of clear aligners means you can say goodbye to irritating brackets, wires, and other metal components.

Clear aligners are designed for a snug, comfortable fit, ensuring you stay pain-free throughout your orthodontic journey.

Removable & Convenient

Enjoy the freedom to remove your aligners when you need to eat, drink, or brush your teeth. No more dietary restrictions or complicated hygiene routines.

Personalized for You

Your smile is unique, and so is your treatment plan at Empowered Orthodontics. Our clear aligners are customized to suit your specific needs and goals.

Trustworthy & Dependable

Dr. Collins and our experienced, caring team at Empowered Orthodontics will be with you every step of the way, ensuring your treatment progresses smoothly and gets you the exceptional results you deserve.

Clear Aligners or Traditional Braces?

Clear aligners present a virtually invisible treatment route, a stark contrast to the traditional braces with their evident metal brackets and wires.

They offer the advantage of being removable for meals and events, ensuring your orthodontic journey seamlessly merges with your daily routine.

A Subtle Treatment Approach

Our aligners are almost invisible, ensuring a low-key treatment process. In contrast, conventional braces, with their visible brackets and wires, stand out.

The Feel Factor

Our aligners are molded from a comfortable, sleek plastic, avoiding the potential discomfort the metal parts of braces might introduce.

Versatility for Your Lifestyle

Our clear aligners can be effortlessly removed for meals, dental care, and special events, offering an adaptability that regular braces lack.

Faster Results

While every patient’s treatment timeframe will be different, clear aligners tend to be faster than conventional braces for mild to moderate orthodontic cases.

Stress-Free Care for Your Aligners

It’s important to clean your aligners regularly, but they can be easily removed for this very purpose. On the other hand, traditional braces require detailed cleaning around their brackets and wires.

Are Clear Aligners Right for You?

Clear aligners have revolutionized orthodontic treatments — and with continued innovation to ensure they adapt and fit today’s active lifestyles, it’s no wonder clear aligners are a favorite among teens and adults in Franklin.

But are they the best option for you? Let’s have a look:

  • Low-profile: If you’re interested in a discreet option, clear aligners are a great choice. They are especially good for adults and teens conscious of the visibility angle with metal braces.
  • Removability: Made to snugly fit over your teeth, clear aligners offer both comfort and effectiveness — and their removability ensures easy mealtime and dental care.
  • Commitment: You’ll need to wear your aligners almost round the clock, taking them out only for meals and cleaning. You’ll also need to stick to regular check-ins with Dr. Collins so she can monitor your progress and give you fresh aligner sets.

If a low profile and convenience rank high on your priority list and you're ready to take responsibility for your care, clear aligners might just be the perfect solution.

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Your Consultation Is Free!

Are you ready to delve into the world of efficient, discreet treatment with Empowered Orthodontics? Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Collins now. Your dazzling smile is closer than you think!